The Singles Collection


For 2014 The Silversun Pickups give us The Singles Collection. Of the 11 songs on the CD, 10 have been previously released as singles, and one, Cannibal, is new. Vinyl collectors can buy it as an expensive boxed set of six 7" 45 RPM singles. The vinyl set also includes one additional song, Devil's Cup.  The earliest track on the disk is Kissing Families from their 2005 EP Pikul and Cannibal is new for 2014.

The Silversun Pickups have achieved a very consistent sound track to track. That's great if you're in a more-of-the-same mood, but I find it a bit wearying. You can find slight differences of intensity and more or less emphasis on fuzzy guitar work, but pretty much any one of the first 8 tracks will float the same boat the same way. You'll find upper mid-tempo altenative rock, first soft, then loud, then shouted.

Guitarist Brian Aubert sings lead in a high register that can be mistaken for a woman's voice. Bassist Nikki Monninger contributes backup vocals. The drummer is Chris Guanlao, and Joe Lester plays keyboards, feeds in samples, and manages effects.

Favorites:  9: The Pit. 10: Dots and Dashes. 11: Cannibal. 5: Panic Switch.

--Gerald Etkind

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