Eliot Lipp

Watch the Shadows


Artist: Eliot Lipp

Album: Watch the Shadows

Label: Pretty Lights Music

Recommended Tracks: 1, 3, 4

This Brooklyn based producer has created an album filled with late night coffee shop electronica with some club bangers, even some tracks with the classic buildup and release that is characteristic of dance music. The r&b elements are tasteful and help make a more rounded sound. Nice use of traditional instrumentation as well (horns, etc.). To be honest the album feels a little front loaded to me.

Track #1: upbeat and propulsive, gets nice and heavy towards the end

Track #2: Synthy with easy on the ears piano melody at first and then gets crunchy and blown out as it transitions into a pounding club track

Track #3: "The Single". Laid back groove with r&b vocals by Cherub, an electro-pop duo from Nashville.

Track #4: Funky instrumental with a beat. Think "Get Lucky" Daft Punk.

Track #5: Kind of feels like a filler track but not awful by any means.

Track #6: Spacey and sweaty groove, nice and upbeat

Track #7: Music for a film.

Track #8: The only other track with a guest artist on it. Heavy and synthy with dubstep elements.

Track #9: Spaced out club hit, with some interesting sampling but overall pretty boring. Lots of lazers "PEW PEW".

Track #10: Nice mix of the pretty and punishing with clean piano over heavy and blown out synth. Towards the end of the track it sounds kind of like an auto shop.

Reviewed by: Devon Cunningham

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