Various Artists

European Jazz Stage (Radio Netherlands Worldwide)


Various Artists: European Jazz Stage (Radio Netherlands Worldwide) Playing like a European version of the famed NPR-syndicate program Jazz from the Lincoln Center, this disc is a sampler of a sorts from a 13 week long jazz series hosted by Daniel Frankl. Jazz ranging from bop to contemporary, from big band to the classic sounds of late 40s/50s era Blue Note, there is a bit for every discerning listener. All tracks are clean, but 1 through 10 are samples of the program with commentary. 11 through 20 are where its at. Reviewed by Trevor Edmonds (May 2007) (All tracks clean)

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.