En Paz


Ecuadorian guitarist Cecilia Villar Eljuri --who goes by her last name as an artist -- delivers a strong set of Latin rhythms and vocals on this disc, devoted to her roots. Raised by a mom and dad famous in the Latin arts community of New York City, where she was raised, Eljuri was raised on American rock until she became interested in her musical heritage. Reggae royalty Sly and Robbie assist on the opening track and Concrete Blonde vocalist Johnette Napolitano duels with her on "Jaula." Catchy guitar hooks abound, and even sounds Santana-ish on "Peligrosa." The closing "bonus" number is actually by her mom, Olga; daughter reworks the song earlier in the set. A great talent. 07/08 MJVD W-Latin (South America)

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