Like a River


On Depree’s very first album entitled HI, there was a wonderful instrumental song that jumped out at me called “Rattlesnake Eyes”. In my ears it’s been hard for him to top that tune. 3 CDs later, I see that same spirit behind this latest release; Like a River. It seems a daring move to put an almost 8 min. instrumental piece as the very first track; turns out to be a good move on this disc. I think that first song, River of the Sun, captures the soulful spirit of Depree’s music. The second song, Wisteria Blooms, is by local artist and Mark’s friend, Lucy Webster. He takes her song and wraps it in a warmth of his own, and it’s a stand-out track. I believe this album is his most eclectic: You’ll hear folk, blues, country, (Santana-esque) rock and there’s even a traditional Irish song. The music ungulates between tempos and moods quite comfortably, with the title track rounding things out nicely at the conclusion. There is some nice saxophone used throughout, and the prominent solidity of the lead electric guitar serves almost like a second vocalist. Many of the tunes themselves are resuscitated songs that Depree has had tucked away in his archives for quite a few years. When drummer Eddie Eicher met with Mark to try playing some of these tunes, it provided the motivation to finally record. Mark Depree has been a musician for many years, but he also wears the hat of music producer (he has recorded music for many other local musicians) and as an artist (the cover art is his own); he was an exceptional decorative painter in the Grand Rapids’ furniture industry. Kick back and enjoy some soulful tunes from one of our natives. [Note: His CD Release Party will be held at One Trick Pony on Sept. 10th from 8-10 p.m.] Becky Kenny 8/2008

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