Clutch of the Tiger


Multi-instrumentalist, Shawn Lee, uses many of the traditional folk and vintage instruments from his collection on this album. They lend an enigmatic air as it can at times be difficult to decipher exactly which instrument is being used. Adding to this ambiguous feeling is reclusive mystery man, Clutchy Hopkins. He and Shawn Lee had a chance meeting one day in a Mojave Desert gas station/thrift store. They hit it off and, by chance, exchanged musical ideas via cassette tapes. (For more on this story, and it is an interesting one, check out the website or the liner notes.) As far as the music itself, it's rock/funk/hip-hop with cool samples, break-beats and synths. The occasional addition of trumpet, flugelhorn, flute, clarinet, and some hot organ licks makes for a jazz-fusion sound. This is one cool groove of an album that is a bit more jazz-influenced (due to Clutchy, I presume) than Shawn Lee's previous work. Reviewed by Rebecca Ruth.

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