
This all instrumental disc features Galactic drummer Stanton Moore, guitarist Will Bernard and keyboard player Robert Walter taking a spin through the roots of funk drumming. Inspired by pioneers like Jabo Starks, Clyde Stubblefield and Zigaboo Modeliste who powered the Meters and James Brown’s 1960’s bands, Moore and crew give modern day listeners a lesson in just how deep a band can get into a groove when it isn’t saddled with the verse/chorus/verse structure of songs involving vocals. Like his prior solo releases Moore is all over each of these tunes but doesn’t burden them with lengthy drum solos or showboating percussion work. Instead, this is a true ensemble recording with most of the color being added by Walter’s work on the Hammond B3. Fans of Jimmy Smith, Ron Levy’s Wild Kingdom or local band Organissimo will find themselves in familiar territory here. Stand out tracks include "Keep on Gwine" which sounds like it could have fallen straight off a Dr. John disc with its rollicking piano groove, "Neeps and Tatties" with its heavily accented beats and scatting guitar on the break, "Knocker" with its Shaft style overdriven guitar and Moore’s deft snare work, the eerie "Cleanse This House" and the down and dirty "Root Cellar". Smitty

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.