Arcade Fire



Speaking of critically acclaimed, those not on the Arcade Fire bandwagon in the Indie Pop scene are < or = leper level. These Canucks from BC are so down to earth and family oriented yet put out an astoundingly catchy sound. They appeal to fans of groups like the Church, Luna, Hot Hot Heat, and other post-80s rock bands while at the same time creating allure for those who like that indie rock sound. Lyrics and structure give each song a certain class. Its like--theyre friendly cause theyre Canadian, but theyre mysterious and cool cause their music kicks ass.

Check this out, I just found it: "This fall, at the 2004 CMJ Music Marathon, when industry chatter and blog blather were at a fever pitch, declared the band the "buzz of the ball." The New York Times asserted that no band "generated more excitement than this one." Scores of other papers and weeklies along the band's touring path mentioned the "b" word: The Boston Globe, Detroit's MetroTimes, St Paul's Pioneer Press, Boulder's Daily Camera and more." CMJ

by Pete Drover

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