Terror Amor


AJ Dávila is best known for his work with San Juan, Puerto Rico's party friendly garage rockers Dávila 666. Since their 2011 release, Dávila has been working on his solo album, Terror Amor, which was released February 11, 2014. This solo effort stays close to the sound of Dávila 666 and is supported by five other band members. The group is made up of AJ Dávila (vocals, guitar, bass, synthesizer, MCP 2000XL), Selma Oxor (vocals, guitar), Lola Pistola (vocals, tambourine), Johnny Otis Dávila (lead guitar, back-up vocals), Daniel Enrique (guitar, back-up vocals), and Nelvin Lara (drums, back-up vocals). The tone of the album is set when "Animal" opens with quite lyrics in the verse over thick electric guitar and heavy drums, followed by deep, distorted vocals taunting, "I'm an animal," during the chorus. AJ Dávila's vocals are joined by Selma Oxor's in "Dura Como Piedra," the first single of the album. Jasmine Garsd from NPR notes that many cross over Latino artists are easy-to-listen-to pop artists, and she rejoices in the edge that can be found on Terror Amor. Occasionally, the sound of the album does deviate from Dávila's usual sound, like on "2333", where glam rock influences break in.
- Richard Martin

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