Love Like A Mule


Gotta give it to this guy, one semester he’s making a humble appearance at WYCE with a couple of other budding singer songwriters in a free gig at Schulers, and next time he makes it to G.R. he’s opening up for Def Leppard and Journey at Van Andel Arena (and going on to like 10 more!). Granted, no one there knows who the hell he is, but he “wows” the crowd and sells a couple hundred albums. Vaughan has also opened for Mellencamp, Fogerty, Junior Brown, James Mc Murtry, Scott Miller, and Urge Overkill. With the follow-up to his debut, Vaughan seems to be doing it—something—right, grabbing a number of cameos from well known acts like Mellencamp’s producer, two fellas from My Morning Jacket, a guy from Mysteries of Life, and one Over the Rhine band member. The question is, is this guy making a career out of this music biz, or is he just embarking on one crazy, international, wild ride? Either way, let’s just see if we can help him out. –Pete

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.