
We are a band of three brothers, Pablo, Gabriel and Juan Calvi, and we started to play together some ten years ago. However, our first album Antesss came out last year in NY and Buenos Aires, Argentina. We could be defined as an independent Latin alternative combo, and our lyrics are mostly related to failed relationships and vanishing love. The tracks we enjoy the most are track 1 Así tal vez (primavera negra), track 3 Sola, which talks about a relationship that ends without a tangible reason, just because love got worn out, and track 6 Matafuegos, the Spanish word for fire extinguisher, which also talks about a relationship ending after the passion was over (the fire was, indeed, extinguished). Most of the tracks have an ambivalent energy that floats between joy and melancholy. The music is a mix of Argentine power-pop with some Manchester-style guitars, spiced up with a production alla East Coast, a little noisy, a little warm. Antess was produced by Pablo Calvi and Kevin McMahon (The Walkmen, The French Kicks and The Big Sleep). In the CD, Pablo and Juan sing (lead vocals and harmonies respectively), the three brothers play guitars, Juan plays drums, Gabriel plays slide guitar, and Pablo keyboards (Moog). In Buenos Aires the CD it is distributed by Inrockuptibles and in NY you can check out our myspace, where we will start to sell the album very soon ( Thanks for playing our songs!

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

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