Leonard Cohen

Songs of Leonard Cohen


In celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Cohen's 1967 recording Debut, his first 3 albums (this being his first) are being re-released in a new and improved digital format with a hard cover, new liner notes, and extra songs! If you are already a sworn fan of the “master of erotic despair”, then you’ll know all of these songs, except the last 2, Store Room and Blessed Memory, which make their recording debut here. These 2 additional songs have been resurrected from the original Hammond recording sessions. [Hammond signed Leonard Cohen to the Columbia A&R label, but could not complete the recording sessions due to illness. John Simon (“the uncredited producer of Big Brother & the Holding Company's Cheap Thrills”) took over and completed the recording.] Cohen, a recent inductee to the Canadian Songwriter’s Hall of Fame, will forever be known for the poetic lyrics that have stamped his prolific music/writing career, and it began with these songs, which have a deep and timeless appeal. Becky

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